Advice on Customs Clearance and International Trade
Com uma experiência acumulada desde 1980, e com o compromisso de sempre, a Exacta Assessoria em Logística & Comercio Internacional atua em todo o território nacional oferecendo, a seus clientes, condições de uma prestação de serviços voltada para os despachos aduaneiros de exportação e importação, estendendo-se aos Regimes Especiais, como Trânsito Aduaneiro de Passagem pelo território brasileiro e com destino a terceiros países, além de logística internacional e assessoria em câmbio e comércio internacional.

Provide dispatch and advisory services
customs, logistics, national and international, with a focus on people and business development

Ser uma empresa referência nacional pela excelência dos serviços prestados, valorizando a evolução das pessoas e, indispensável, a busca da constante inovação.

1. The preponderance of faith and gratitude to God.
2. Valuing the family, as a pillar of society.
3. Honesty, ethics and commitment.
4 Commitment to company professionals, customers and partners.
5. Incessant search for training.
6. Promote innovation and technologies applied to international trade.
7. Objectivity and transparency in communications.
8. Fulfill the mission within the established goals.

Continuous search for solutions in international trade activities.

- Mario Camargo

Nossos Serviços
- Importação
- Exportação
- Regimes Especiais
- Logística
- Câmbio

Exacta Importação
- Preparation of the Import Declaration with the calculation of applicable taxes.- Preparation of Import Licenses and monitoring of approval with the intervening bodies.
- Analysis of all import documentation.
-Monitoring customs clearance of imports until their effective release.
- Contracting international freight with freight agents both in Brazil and abroad.
- Assistance in import operations within the Ex-Tariff regime.

Exacta Exportação
- Confecção de Licenças de Exportação e acompanhamento do deferimento junto aos órgãos intervenientes.(LPCO "S).
- Análise de toda documentação de exportação.
- Acompanhamento do desembaraço aduaneiro de exportação até sua efetiva liberação. Contratação de fretes internacionais junto a agentes de cargas tanto no Brasil quanto no exterior.
- Assistance in import operations within the Ex-Tariff regime.
- Step-by-step monitoring and verification of documentation, guidance on current legislation.
- Special advice for exports in the DUE system, including fractional export operations.

Exacta Regimes Especiais
- Customs Transit.- Admissão
- Temporary Export for Passive Improvement.
- Customs Warehousing.
- Drawback.
- Atypical Customs Regimes.
- DAC Certified Bonded Deposit.
- Depósito Especial Alfandegado DEA.

Exacta Log
Complementing its activities in the customs segment, Exacta focused, in its process of participation in the context of international trade, on a very important aspect of its dynamics, which is represented by logistics. And in this context, EXACTA LOG came to fill this space, offering its customers all its expertise in terms of better logistics for their operations, including everything from transport in general - sea, road and air - to movement , storage and delivery of merchandise.